erinm-4600 talks a lot. A LOT. However in this post she is not allowed to talk at all, for this post exists to see if anyone will be able to come close to catching up with her in comments
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1. Backsliding into DW fandom a bit, in that I'm marginally more engaged than I was this time last week. Basically someone said "Turlough!" and the details for "The Company Of Friends" came out (FIIIIIIIIIITZ) and so I'm a moderately chipper fangirl
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First: we acquired a wee golden snitch toy for Sophia. She is kitten!seeker and pwns all. Also? OMG STRIPES I love our kitty.
Second: more proof that Saturday night's event actually happened and wasn't just the best hallucination ever. The accompanying photo got an "Oh holy GOD" out of erinm-4600 so... yes. Nnngh!
Back from teh Virginiaz. Was a lovely weekend, the drive home was fine except for the bits where people tried to kill us with some help from the wind. Also for some reason the kitten refused to shut up. I am not making a post about moping. I am not even moping. See? Mope-free
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Things we can all agree on re: politics - it is nifty that as a result of everyone obsessing over what's going on with the election we're now doing a meme about Supreme Court cases instead of the usual blather about people's cats.* Here's the drill: post about a SCOUS case which is NOT Roe v. Wade. I hereby offer my choice: